You can find the answers to the questions we get the most here. If there is anything not covered, feel free to email customer support at any time.

1. How long does shipping take?

We ship most products within 4 business days and delivered within 10 business days. You will receive a tracking number once your package is shipped.

As we get closer to the holiday season and are still affected by COVID-19, be aware that delivery times may be impacted.

2. Do your products use prohibited or harmful chemicals?

We do not use any chemicals harmful to people or pets in our fabrics, dyes, or materials.

If you would like to learn more about harmful chemicals, please visit the official OEHHA website for further information on Proposition 65.

3. Do you have any assembly instructions online?

Yes, we have uploaded a few videos to walk you through the assembly here.

If you have any trouble with a particular item, our customer support team is always here to help.

4. How do I cancel my order?

Orders can be canceled for a full refund within 24 hours of purchase. If you need to cancel an order, please email service@artoflivingdesigns.com as soon as possible.

Cancellation requests after an order is shipped will be processed as a returned item.

5. Is the furniture easy to clean?

Yes, keeping your furniture clean and maintained is no problem at all.

Frequent vacuuming or light brushing to remove dust and grime is recommended for normal maintenance. Spot clean with a mild solvent, an upholstery shampoo, or a mild detergent for spills and surface stains.

When using a solvent or dry cleaning product, follow instructions carefully and clean only in a well ventilated room and avoid products which are highly toxic. Professional furniture cleaning services may be used for deep cleaning.

6. Where are my packages shipping from?

Our warehouse is located in Ft. Worth, Texas. The safety of our staff and shipping partners is of the utmost concern during this pandemic, and safe workplace procedures and social distancing are in effect at all times.